Please read! this should happen more often!

100% True! Brendan is a GREAT guy! He lives a bit over an hour from me and on Sunday he came down to my neck of Massachusetts. We had been talking on the phone and I mentioned how I thought I needed to adjust my chain. Brendan - without hesitation - immediately said "I'll come down on the weekend and help you with that". Long story short, he showed up with a "trunk" full of tools!! After relealizing that my chain didn't need tightening, we hung out for the rest of the day with a ride to Newport, RI... down 12-mile drive, the Newport Beach beaches, Thames Street, the old Electric Boat and Pier 2 in Middletown, RI, and then back to Fall River to the USS Massachusetts.

I've mentioned before how he walked me through installing my undertail, removing my gauges, and he even sent me TWO sets of polished bolts for my undertail because the first set he sent me were too big!!

Brendan is indeed THE MAN!

The Beaches

12-Mile Drive in Newport, RI

The Former Electric Boat in Middletown, RI

Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA
My Busa on the right, Brendan's on the left

1 more from Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA
This site has some quality people for members. I never cease to be amazed at the generosity and goodwill of the board members.
Thanks for the Kudos....
I just wanna help others here cause I know i will be looking for it,and have already gotten plenty past and present.

George and I had a great time,and not to mention that we had lunch that day,and he would not take a cent from me on the bill.
I cant wait to hook up again and do some siding again.
Cheers to all the great members here!
I'm glad I can be a part of it....
thats why i joined and donated here. great people who haave a shared passion. and who are always there with the answer
All this mushy stuff almost brings tears to my eyes...


Excellent write-up, Ice. All too often, we're all ready to complain when something goes wrong but we fail to say kudos when things go right.

Again, good on ya and kudos to you, too, Brendan!

As you know, we like pics here. So post a few of that satellite dish mounted to your 'Busa. We need to see the finished product...
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