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Motorist attacks motorcyclist? Your thoughts?

Three sides to the story, you know how that goes.

I would guess that the truck driver was stressed due to other things going on and the rider passing him quickly and on the rude side was the last straw. The truck driver took action without rational thought and probably regretted it later on.

I am sure this could have been avoided 1000 different ways, but stories like this happen a lot.
I've been reading that on the other forum, and I think he was foolish to not wait for the cops (for several reasons), unless it didn't go down like he explained.

My thoughts? I'd call to hire this guy. Have him come give me an estimate, then beat the living shiz out of him..

But those are just my thoughts. Your Mileage May Vary.
Tuf I am absolutely amazed that thread is three pages long and has not one post saying 'I would have shot him!'?
People in the pnw are not used to defending themselves or what? Every single one says he should have called the cops and filed a report which is obv but again not one recommended him defending himself? One poster even refs the other incident caught on video where rider got smacked by cager.

Pocket knife and gutting him like a fish is what that situation called for.
No matter how mean the pass the assault was not justified.
Blanca, not a lot of firearm topics or discussion over there on that forum -- I haven't been there all that long, bu I get the feeling the mods don't appreciate it.

You do also have to remember that the Pacific Northwest is a particularly left leaning part of the country. In some areas around here, granola is considered the primary food group. Those of us that are strapped tend to keep a low profile so the rest of the clowns around here don't start throwing hemp bracelets and daisies or garbage like that at us.

Just my $.02

Tuf I am absolutely amazed that thread is three pages long and has not one post saying 'I would have shot him!'?
People in the pnw are not used to defending themselves or what? Every single one says he should have called the cops and filed a report which is obv but again not one recommended him defending himself? One poster even refs the other incident caught on video where rider got smacked by cager.

Pocket knife and gutting him like a fish is what that situation called for.
No matter how mean the pass the assault was not justified.

+ 1
Seems like the rider is really patient ....I mean holy crap I would have been off the bike and using my helmet as a weapon while saying we don't have to do this get back in your truck sir .....ok you asked for it ...lol ahhhhh but I digress
I would have SHOT him.


Guy got wailed on and doesn't even sound pissed?
He's just like oh well Kharma will get him, lets post it on Facebook.

So defend yourself or it could possibly be:
'We are so sorry Mam we are still trying to figure out why that guy murdered your husband?'
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