Mach2 video


I cant stand it any more, I ordered the Mach2
video referenced in the thread "You have GOT to get this video". I'm getting it in PAL format & will have it transfered to NTSC (US) format myself.

I'll let you know how it works out.

[This message has been edited by JohnnyB (edited 06 October 1999).]
Yes - I think I'm going to go ahead and pre-order this video (converted) from Impact today. They told me they would have it in a month (that was only a week or two ago) and I would just as soon place my order and not have to keep up with dates/phone numbers etc. It looks like a must have video alright.
Ok - I called Impact and pre-ordered Carnage. They think it will be ready to go by the end of the month. They have already done the conversion from pal- just getting everything ready to go now.

Please wait for about 30 mins while the site is getting updated.

Also if you have any busa pictures to post on the site. Current pictures at

or just go to and follow the links.

Who says I think about the bike too much when I should be working !! Great thing about working with computers, as I type this everyone thinks I am working really hard :)

[This message has been edited by dazee (edited 07 October 1999).]
Dazee: when I first downloaded the MPG it was 768k !? EVery time I down load it, it gets about 100k bigger!? don't know why, do you ever use ICQ or IRC? is so please send me a full copy of the intro next time we are online together. I use EFNET on IRC and ICQ# 11001434.
Ooops ! please see the note in the above edit. The site was being updated and you were trying to access the file as it was being ftp'd to the server. It is now completed. Sorry it took so long, it was a modem transfer as my work is done behind a firewall that forbids ftp.

Anyway, try now.
Awesome, downloaded at 130k/sec, gotta love cable modems! only took 35 seconds! Going to call my new modem "Hayabusa". hehe

Talk about bad timing eh Dazee? thanks again...hopefully NTSC copies will be available soon!
Yep. I just called the NTSC version for the US will be release on November 1. I could have preorder or call back after nov1.

I am gonna get it !!
Caution ! Don't watch this video just before you go out riding your busa. The demons are easily released just after viewing this film :)
Dazee - I'm hoping that watching someone else do these things will PREVENT me from doing them (much). Maybe these stunts won't seem like such a big deal after watching the video a dozen times!
No, didn't work for me. Just seeing what a professional rider can do with the bike and how easy they make it look, just wants me to push it a bit more each time. Well all except the wheelies while sitting on the handle bars :)
You may be right. Of course I was referring to my ATTEMPTING to do most of these stunts. Hopefully discretion and realization of my limits will prevail. Hope someone like 100mph Busa wheelie Nick doesn't see this tape though! :)
Todd, after watching the intro that dazee turned us on to, I have to get my hands on one of those copies. If you have the # to Impact handy, please post. Thanks.

Thanks Dazee for the Intro.
Dazee, Unfortunately you are right ,the vidoe does get you in ,it cost me 3 points and $250 but after a bit of talking the cop reduced the fine to $150 He spent more time talking about the bike than writing the ticket so be careful the video does get the juices going. Harv
Oh goodie.. an new injection of ambition! You know I noticed that my wheelies seem to get a little higher after watching that intro before leaving work ... AMAZING!!!!

gotta love no-self control. :)