Leaking fork seal-grit removal


I noticed about a month ago that my right fork tube had more than a normal amount of residue on it from riding. The extra oil was catching additional road grime and building up on the lower tube. I have a 2012 and the problem got worse during this time. Eventually, there was oil dripping onto the brake pads and front wheel. This is my first bike, but I find it unlikely that the seals would begin to fail after three years and only 18,000 miles. I did some searching and found products like Sealmate and Seal Doctor, that will clean the seal...most likely, this was my problem. I made my own tool from a plastic screw container...removed the dust cover...inserted the tool in between the seal and tube and ran it around the tude a few times. I cleaned up everything (dirt and remaining oil) and then compressed the suspension a few times with my weight on the bars, to re-seat the seal. The leak is gone...now I get to replace my pads!

Below are pictures of my homemade tool and my pads. The bottom pads are from the oil soaked right side.


Have to do that to mine also,bought 2 of those little Seal Mate gizmos a few months ago but haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
I have the sealmates and really didnt work for mine. It got some but they still leak. I bought my bike new and they started leaking around 2500 miles. So getting 3 years and 18k miles is good in my opinion.
The best thing I have ever used was old film negatives to clean under the seals.

Make sure that you don't get water spots after washing. The calcium deposits will eat your seals up. I also spray a rag with silicone spray and wipe it down after .
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