It's really no wonder our country is screwed up.


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Wealthy lawmakers increased their riches as U.S. economy sputtered in '09 -

When your lawmakers are amongst the top 1% in terms of wealth, how can we expect them to even have a remote idea as to what we endure on a day to day basis. We don't have wait staff or private jets. We don't spend our afternoons at the yacht club or fly to Maine for fresh lobster dinners.

How can we expect to be fairly governed by those that are not affected by the laws they create?
We are serfs and they are lords !
Remember what happened the last time the populace woke up :whistle:
Yeah their waking up . Will go to polls and vote everybody out' and a new generation in .
And as soon as that next group gets to their new job the system will corrupt them with entitlements and they will forget you same as last group .

After every democracy that has failed it is almost universally followed by a dictatorship or Kingship...Long live Blanca Busa...Hail, Cesar!!:rofl:
It almost makes me think that the characteristic of Greed is intrinsic in all human's simply a matter of how long it lies dormant. Each individual person's number varies. Most start out with noble intentions, then it only becomes a matter of time. I guess the only thing we can do as the serfs and peons is keep a closer eye on how close a candidate is to nearing that number, assuming that all will someday reach that point.
It almost makes me think that the characteristic of Greed is intrinsic in all human's simply a matter of how long it lies dormant. Each individual person's number varies. Most start out with noble intentions, then it only becomes a matter of time. I guess the only thing we can do as the serfs and peons is keep a closer eye on how close a candidate is to nearing that number, assuming that all will someday reach that point.

I subscribe to the theory of Ayn Rand, greed is good. Greed and Generosity are not mutually exclusive. Just ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.
I subscribe to the theory of Ayn Rand, greed is good. Greed and Generosity are not mutually exclusive. Just ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.

If Bill would stop rolling out new OSs, I'd believe that. :laugh: Totally kidding, he is actually one that gets it.

Greed and's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one. In Gates/Buffet's case, I don't see a problem with a person capitalizing off of their own ingenuity and/or hard work, so I wouldn't attach them to anything greedy really. Their choice of profession wasn't subject to election and the trust of the general population. I get exactly what you're saying though. For all those that are religious, I'm assuming there's a reason it's one of the 7 deadly sins. I like to try and put everything in context, and that'd have to be the case with Rand. Certainly I can see situations (usually never ones where others are dependant on the outcome) where greed could possibly be good, but on the whole, I'd have to say it's not.

It used to be that people went into politics with the intention of it being their sole career. Once they had served, they would venture off into the business world after having a better understading of things, more exposure, etc. etc. to continue earning a living. Nowadays, it seems like career-intended businessmen have made politics a pit-stop after realizing the ability to alter the laws in their favor, before moving on to their originally intended place in the business sector, where they then have the power to do what they wish. Not all are there with this sole intention, but it seems to have played a huge role in agenda-driven political involvement.
This simply shows what happens in government! Term limits are a must!

This lifetime politician BS has to end!
Thats what happened when a system that was not designed for career politicians is taken over politicians. When your politicians are passing policies and selling their morals to keep their "jobs" safe, you have failed.

Its not about what the people want or what is best for the people anymore. Its about "How can I keep my 'job'"
This simply shows what happens in government! Term limits are a must!

This lifetime politician BS has to end!

As much as I would like to enact term limits, we need to ask ourselves, if a politician is truly doing good work, should we be forced to send them home due to some arbitrary rule?

I would prefer to see something along the lines of standard election terms for their first term, majority vote for the second term and 60% majority for any terms beyond that. If any politician can achieve 60% of the vote, they are doing a good job by their constituents.
we have term limits.....

they are called elections.

the problem is not the system, like most things the problem is us. we keep voting for these guys.

out of 436 members of COngress, 86 of them have been there over 40 years....
A clean broom sweeps clean...sweep all of their sorry arses out...and let's hope for better...they need to get the message that they are there to serve the more of this crap of a senator's pay for the rest of your life if u serve one term...or special medical insurance only they are entitled to...they don't even pay into the friggin social security lame can our country get with these baboons? You wonder why we are the laughing stock of the world? China is licking her chops over how stupid we are...In their country a milk formula ceo was executed recently for his part in the chemical contamination of baby formulas and his corruption...Here we just throw billions of dollars and tell them to be more conservative on how much bonus they entitle themselves too...Remember when the AIG azzhats were afraid to even go into their offices because they were getting threatening letters? This country needs to start kicking some serious arse and stop worrying about what other people think within the country...whew...I'm done for the moment:whistle:
Yeah their waking up . Will go to polls and vote everybody out' and a new generation in .
And as soon as that next group gets to their new job the system will corrupt them with entitlements and they will forget you same as last group .


what vote them out??? just because they all are card carrying members of the aarp....