It was only a matter of time - Conneticut Elementary School Shooting

Now is the time to start having armed guards in schools. Kids don't deserve to die this way. So sad.
Now is the time to start having armed guards in schools. Kids don't deserve to die this way. So sad.

You can't have armed guards following our kids around everywhere. If its going to happen, its going to happen. We shouldn't trust anyone to ours or our family's safety other than ourselves...
Why not? We have air marshals on planes. We can put them in movie theatres, shopping malls, oh yeah that would be fuitile. Might solve the unemployment problem though.
You can't have armed guards following our kids around everywhere. If its going to happen, its going to happen. We shouldn't trust anyone to ours or our family's safety other than ourselves...

An armed guard wouldn't have stopped the killing, but maybe the body count would have only been a few, not 27. :banghead:
Look at the gun violence stats in Chicago. What? Guns are illegal in Chicago, how can there be gun violence? ???

:please: children :please:
We talked about this on other threads and its the same back and forth argument. "Guns dont kill people.....people kill people!" That may be a true statement but I would like to see you try and explain that to those familes that dont have their small children with them tonight. 20 children from the ages 5-10 that lost their lives today!!!!! Prayers please for all the children and thier families :please:
The act itself horrible...
My feelings are indescribable because I am a father.

But the fact remains that 160 million gun owners and their 300 million guns DID NOT kill anyone today.
Again we have one tainting all.
We can debate the issues in another thread, this one has taken a sincere tone from the members for condolences, can we all agree to just leave this thread at that?

Very sad to hear of a loss of such innocense, prayers to the parents that are greiving a horrific loss. Prayers to the families of the adults lost, Im sure there will be some hero stories that may come out from the adults trying to protect the children....

A terrible day for our country...

Why not? We have air marshals on planes. We can put them in movie theatres, shopping malls, oh yeah that would be fuitile. Might solve the unemployment problem though.

to the frequent air traveler the air marshals stick out like a 8' tall guy at a midget convention. Putting someone in a school publicly just gives would be bad guys a known target to eliminate prior to doing other things.

Living in fairly close proximity to this it changes your ideas of what should be done to keep kids safe. The reality is that whatever we do, folks will be able to find out about it and side step it, short of stationing a company of armed soldiers at every school house. The issue, like mentioned earlier is that the country is really having a moral crisis. This is not a gun control issue. The guy lives in one of the toughest gun controlled areas in the country. He went on a mission to kill his mother, father, all the kids in her class, others and apparently his brother is in custody. Their girlfriends are missing and either hiding from media, part of this thing and lying in wait or dead. What if this guy walked in with a sword and throwing knives? Would we ban people from being able to buy cooking utensils? Guns are far from the issue here. The guy had 4 guns with him and apparently a lot of ammo. He was in his 20s, barely able to appreciate his own life most likely much less the impact he was about to have on everyone else involved.

Everywhere you turn these days there is violence and aimed at kids, teens and adults. Its on the TV shows (hell some of the highest rated shows), its in video games and other things aimed at folks for "entertainment". I think we as a country, as a society are getting too accustomed to violence. There was a time when shows like Law & Order Special Victims would never have aired because it exposed too much of the "dark side" of the world. Today I think they look for more and more shocking topics to develop stories about. Makes you wonder if there is even a line anymore.

As sad as it sounds I think its time to really stock up on guns. Buy what you can now as stated above. I dont see the 2nd amendment going away but I do see them trying to implement more rules that will do nothing to stop people like this. :banghead:
The act itself horrible...
My feelings are indescribable because I am a father.

But the fact remains that 160 million gun owners and their 300 million guns DID NOT kill anyone today.
Again we have one tainting all.

Blanca that is the problem........... its not 1 tainting all. These "isolated" incidents are not so random and isolated anymore. Oregon shooting, colorado shooting, arizona shooting, VT shooting and so on..... Now that these psychos have the blueprint for destruction you see it happening more and more.
No parent should ever suffer the pain of outliving thier children... the loss of having futures ripped away in an instant -there are almost no words to adequately describe the horror of this act. As a father who has faced the possible death of a child, I can barely even fathom this tragedy and its ripple effects on those who survived, those who have to live with thier innocence lost. What an increadibly horrible creation we can be - these are the faith shaking events, this is not an issue of guns vs no guns, but rather an issue of how a person can manifest such evil, that regardless of the tools of thier plan, that they even intend to carry out such hideous action against our purity, our potential, our own evolution. I am saddened, I am sickened and I am appalled... I grieve for the parents, because I am a parent. I grieve for the children, because I am a father. I greive for the school, because now, no where is safe. I grieve for all of us, because of the evil that we are somehow capable of.
Blanca that is the problem........... its not 1 tainting all. These "isolated" incidents are not so random and isolated anymore. Oregon shooting, colorado shooting, arizona shooting, VT shooting and so on..... Now that these psychos have the blueprint for destruction you see it happening more and more.

And I think people will have a very hard time drawing a line between the fact that the blueprints for destructive acts are readily available and the devices used to conduct them. The fact is that had this guy walked in with a stick, a butter knife, a uzi or a nuclear bomb he was determined to kill as many people as he could, including his parents. As a society we treat the symptoms instead of the illness and we legislate ourselves into places that often prevent the illness from even being addressed. :down:
these things never happened when I was a kid , and we all had guns. Never happend when my kids were little , we still had guns. My little girl was a teacher at Columbine, I know parents and kids from that time. Things like this don,t happen in countrys were they have full auto weapons in their homes. Our nation is sick, guns are not the answer, but I don,t know what is.

18 children among 27 dead in shooting at Conn. elementary school

It is my worst nightmare, and was only a matter of time before something like this happened. And now that someone's done it once, the likelyhood of a copycat goes up. This has nothing to do with guns, this has to do with the utter moral breakdown of our society.

My High School Son text me @ 1:16PM "At least 18 Children killed at Elementary school shooting in Connecticut this morning....unreal....Crazy world man".

The entire time listening to the radio about the tragedy, I was thinking of my boy, and the pain those people are going through.. Painful
R.I.P to those innocent kids that did nothing to deserve this. Prayers sent for their loved ones. This country has gone to complete ****!!!!
He did not use the rifle. It was found in his trunk.

At this point there are twenty families without a child, shot to death in cold blood.
Something I cannot comprehend. I cannot even imagine such a gruesome scene in my head, don't want to either.

I just wanna go home and hug my kids...
He did not use the rifle. It was found in his trunk.

At this point there are twenty families without a child, shot to death in cold blood.
Something I cannot comprehend. I cannot even imagine such a gruesome scene in my head, don't want to either.

One of the video clips we keep seeing on the local news is of several SWAT officers coming out and hugging each other. I never want to witness such a scene, this tragedy will haunt all of the folks that had to witness it in person. :(