I just bought hump storage knobs

(MrGxr @ Jan. 09 2007,14:24) Waiting on this one Ty... I was going to start changing things out, but I can wait to see what you've got.
You guys are going tobe rolling on the floor laughing when you see how easy it is to do.
(brendanp @ Jan. 09 2007,17:26) Not to rain on yer parade Kev,but I bought some s.s. ones outta MSC book just like that.
They had a knurled outside diameter on them just like in the pic.
One day I was riding and I heared the hump rattling about.,I  take off the hump and 2 of the were missing!

I immediately replaced them with the stock ones,and when I get around to it,I will be getting the D ring ones.
Be careful,you dont wanna have to replace the shell of your hump some day!

Keep an eye on them...
good lookin out Brendan
I wanted it just to keep my Airman Sparrow and a few other things to free up space in my tank bag.
