Hey look what I found for sale ...

Man that thing is clean
Nice. I have a buddy that is selling his custome Kawi cruser, I keep trying to show him a nice 'Busa can be found for a good price. I will pass this along to him.
I wasnt intersted in buying it I was just tossin it out to see who would recognize it. She sold it last year or so and now it's for sale again. That bike has been in magazines and she knew how to really ride it. ( it wasnt a poser bike )

old shot :

not to jack the thread, but what kind of shield is that on the busa next to the ladies?
That thing is huge.. any ideas??

For an unrestricted busa, the price seems fine. mileage.... well we have to ride them to enjoy them, right?
Some kind of touring screen. that's, Ralf  " PaceMaster "   send him a pm to find out.

btw  he was one of the fastest 2 up riders I have ever been on a ride with.