Help!! paint peeling

Mine hasn't done that (05LE).  Almost 7000 miles since May 06 when I brought her home.  I don't fill the tank until it runs out the overflow.  Luckily this topic was discussed about the time I bought my bike so I have been very careful not to overfill it.

The thing is that on my bike, even if it overspills, the gas would flow over the inside of the fairing. The only place I would expect peeling if it is due to the spill would be on the edge of the fairing. He is making it sound that it is on the outer surface of the fairing at the point where the hose touches the fairing.

I dont know, I hope it does not happen to me but it is making very little sense to me at this point.

After a 10 day wait to find out if the fairing would be replaced under warranty, we finally got the word. Yes, so relieved, he slipped it in right before the year was up.