changing from k71000 to 08 busa?

nasty nate

So I t-boned a car on my k7 gsxr 1000 last week, of course not my fault as she pulled right out in front of me but anyways my bike was totaled and I'll soon be receiving my check for a new bike soooo... I assumed I would just get another liter because I really liked that one but I have this sneaky desire for a big comfortable beast like the busa or zx14. Im leaning towards the busa for looks alone and because from what I hear its a smaller step down in handling from the liter. My question is this..the reason I would be changing over would be comfort. Is the new busa MUCH more comfortable than the liter or only a little. Is it worth gaining the extra hundred lbs in exchange for comfort, is the trade-off worth it? If you've owned/ridden both I want to hear your opinion please.