Busa for sale!


For sale canadian busa black and grey 3.200 kilometers tank bra zero touring screen plus center stand great bike for showing off but it leaves a little to be desired for long distance touring. whitch is what i mostly do just finished a 2000k run boy am i tired E mail bernard1@telusplanet.net
...I woulda been interested, but I know of two others who are, over at LABusas.org...what is your price, in US$?
I'll sell my 99 Copper Busa for $7999 US.

This is a Canadian bike. I will leave it to the buyer to figure out what paperwork is required to get it over the border. Apparently it isn't too difficult.

E-mail me at kemppitc@cadvision.com if you are interested.
Forgot to say bike is a 2000 don't know the exchange rates You can phone at 780-672-4553 home or 780-672-8011 I don't know how mutch it's worth I paid 13.400.00 can we can work something out!
I also have a friend who is looking for a used busa. How much? usa$'s

[This message has been edited by Ambush (edited 17 July 2000).]