OK I've just pleaded with the tomcat pilots, told them that the future of Canada rest in their hands……They're gonna try flying over Bergen again, The jersey Air Guard will fly cover for them, as they are afraid of the close proximity of the civil unrest which is about to flow from their neighbors to the north

CLEeNING LADY I know some big Hawaiian guys over here who wants to hook up with you. They live on Molokai, they're a bit crude, but I'm sure they'll met to your standards. You like animals?
Praisa lawd iland boy Iz bouta dive unda massa's busamonsta fo da boms! Maasa pete outsid setin da lawn on fir wit gas fum da truk!

Hellyez Fay May lik big bony animal! You sends em rit on ova an tells em brung plenny dem looooong hawwwhyee cucumbrs.
I must take the "heat" for the pic
In fact, it is a Richard Avedon shot
of an Indian mystic. Thought it was a prety cool pic [and how I feel sometimes]
That' why I like checking out all topics. You start out with something and end up with the opposite. This looks like a gay's forum. No more of those please, or I'm going to puke (I see 13 replies, and see what I find!).
Fay May, my bubble butt afreicahn qween di I tell yu da las tim gitme da moneee. I iz u pimp and bo frin, masa Pete iz jus a cracckr
alky giz me da moneee. de iz a ho bunch of ra anilmelz here da wanna peece oh u. Iz need the moneee for my zX12 soz uz get yu bubba btt wrkn back fo me, ho!