101 Uses for Duct Tape

The kid can still breath, move his arms & legs + he has a toy. Don't see much difference in retaining him with that method vs belting him down in a car seat except that the wall would probably need repair when you cut him down for changing & feeding + you would need to purchase more duct tape.
this a another good way to used duct tape. the only thing is how you going to get it out and out back while riding.

I love what one of the comments said...

I just want to point out that the taper in question *did* seem to have the sense to put the tape on the baby's clothes rather than directly on the skin. This should have made taking it off easy and painless.
Unfortunately, I wasn't that smart at the age of 15, when my sisters and I duct-taped plates to the baby's feet to help her balance and walk.
Mom was none too happy.

Add a can of WD40 and you have everything you need. It it's supposed to move and doesn't, WD40. If it's not supposed to move and does, duct tape.