here is my problem


Alot of you know that lately i have given up on alot of things this is why

I have been living with no power in my house for 3 months
i shower at my aunts and eat other places.

I have started work i pay the minimum bills to keep my ruck my bike and necessities my rent is past due so i just got an evict notice yesterday i am trying to smooth it out.
Now you all now why i have been tempermental stressed and of all the selling the busa.

I dont like handouts and dont like things given to me i had to get rid of a girl friend and lost freinds over the deal caiuse it is my business and only i should share that stuff with who i want to know.


oh to you disbelievers I AM NOT KIDDING

Chris, I don't know what to say. That's def. rough times. Are you curently employed?
Good luck, brother.

I'm confident there are people here who could interface for you on a number of the issues you listed.

If I was there, I'd be one of them.
I see internet service is still a priority...:whistle: Hang in there, you will never be given more than you can handle!
Sorry for the rough time you are going through. This too shall pass. Do what you gotta do (legally) to get through it. I have faith the tough times will be small and the Great times will be many. They usually are!!!! ((((hugs)))) and many prayers for all these negative issues in your life to be resolved quickly. :please:
Think of the millions of kids starving around the world, you WILL then feel better about your situation.
I'm not going to pretend that I know exactly how you feel, but I can offer thoughts and prayers for your situation. I hope things get better for you very soon. I can't imagine going though that.
I see your in IL. What part? If your around the Joliet area I might be able to help ya with employment. Let me know, Street.
MrNinja I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this. I do not know what to say. I know that when you are down a lot of times the last thing you want to do is reach out and talk but if you ever need an ear or shoulder I can offer that.
All I can say id that I will be praying for you and that everything works out for you.
Have faith this too shall pass.
Best thing you can do is keep on networking wit everyone you know. Let all know what you can do work wise and hang in there. I can say lots have been thee especially in these times. It will get better and don't be affraid to ask for help.
Been there, done that, dude. I'm NOT saying that to be callous, only to point out that there are a few things I learned by being there. BTW, I'm sure, without a doubt, that others on here have been there and done that, too!

1. Hang tough. It's going to improve, rest assured.

2. Swallow your pride and accept charity and help from others. No man is an island. The road to success lies on the shoulders of other people. You may get lucky and get through it without help from others but it ain't likely AND it's going to take longer. Accept other people's help. If you think you need to pay it back, do so, but pay it to others 'cause eventually, you'll have an opportunity to help someone else.

3. Still, keep working at finding work. It ain't easy, I know, and tough when nothing is coming together for you. Get someone to help you with your resume. (See #2.) Get coaching on interviewing skills.

4. Don't hesitate to relocate. If you need to move to another state to get work, do so.

Yeah, I know, my presentation above sounds very mechanical but just trying to point some things out. As a matter of fact, you probably already know all that but sometimes, it's just good to hear it again.

Keep your chin up, bro.
