What is this?

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There's a little tan box under the stars under my avatar. When the cursor passes over it says 'warn 1'.

What is it and how did I get it?
There's a little tan box under the stars under my avatar. When the cursor passes over it says 'warn 1'.

What is it and how did I get it?  
It should have came with a PM explaining why you received it.

With the smiley at the end of your question it looks like you know why it is there. So my question back to you, are you trying to as to your collection?
No, I don't have any pm's. The last one I got was from Cap needing some info.

So, I don't know if I should be trying to as to my collection.
Sorry, I really thought you knew how you got it and were trying to stir the pot. The software package contains a "Warn" feature. If a member posts questionable material, is rude to other members, or otherwise does things that is not to the best interest of the board"¦ there is a one step action we can take that will all us to raise the warning level of the user and send a PM telling them what action put them there.

You should have received something asking you to refrain from that type of activity, be nice, get along, or something with it. Otherwise it is like scolding a dog for something he did a week before, they don't have a clue what you are talking about.

After some time, any member is free to request their warning level to be drop, but they usually need to request it from the admin or mod that raised it (if known).

If this does not refresh your memory, I'll be glad to investigate further for you.

No biggie, don't sweat it. There are more boxes, unless the update/new version reset them all.
Thanks, I have no idea who put it there or what was meant to do.

If you get time and feel like investigating you can post what you find in this thread. (instead of pm)
There are two ways to be warned;
1. A Mod or Admin can warn a member through the message board, which wil come with a PM stating that they have been warned due to content within a specific post or topic.
2. A mod or Admin can warn a person outside of a specific post or thread without a PM if there has been communiation or "unoffical" warnings via PMs in general.

What is important to note about warnings is that when they reach 3, the member can no longer post. Warning levels do not automatically drop, they have to be removed by Mods or Admins.

I only offer this as way of explaination; other people may read your topic and wonder what a warning is.

Everyone just needs to be nice! Keep a happy face! LOL
I feel sorry for those who post Vab's Barbie Busa pic ...

Nope ... I ain't doin' it!
You had to tick some one off!

So be proud in knowing you got some one mad enough to do it and you dont know why
Koas, you been warned about warnings!

Vic.. keep it up buddy, you get a powder coated box
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