pondering life

darth frosty

Life is really something. We don't know where it began or where it will end. More always goes on that meets the eye, and everywhere, other than where we are, seems better. We sleep half of it away, and fear its ending. We think we know life, but perhaps it is only our own perceptions, prejudices, and ideas about it that we know. Do we face life as it really is, or are we manufacturers of escapes from what life really is? Lets explore this question...and send your own contradictions here.

Life Kills Ya

It takes a whole lifetime learning how to live. You get wise when its to late to benefit from it

The intelligent can sure be stupid

We say one thing, and think another.

We state one thing, and do another.

We call our attacks defense.

We say we want "everything" when we really mean we have nothing.

We contradict the opinions of others even when all parties could be wrong.

If we serve ourselves its called vanity. If we serve others its called a virtue.

Altruistically saving someone from their just desserts is regarded as the act of a samaritan.

We want to save the oppressed, but don't know what to do when we meet the oppressor.

We want to be heroic, but without the tragedy.

We want to save the damsel, even when she is not in distress.

We want children because we are tired of ourselves.

We are always generous with other people's property.

We say we love life, freedom and justice, and the elect their destoyers.

We can only see three sides of a cube

You spend years recriminating against yourself for perceived faults or errors, and then realize one day that this presumed foolhardiness lead you to the greatest wisdom.

A man goes out on his balcony for a smoke. It is late and night and he sees some suspicious activity next door. He calls police and a known armed rapist is captured. If he had have listened to the "ban smoking" lobby, his neighbour, and so many more women, would have been molested, raped and probably murdered.

Not only is life itself rather brief, but we then discover that to earn wisdom in life we are aged prematurely.

Its the most sobering thoughts that drive one to drink.

We are subjective even about the objective.

We forget to remember.

We remember we forgot.

We don't know whether to follow the leaders, or lead the followers.

Is darkness full of light, or is light full of darkness?

When good times pass we live wondering if we were present enough and grateful enough when they were happening. And we can live in regret for all that, when we conclude that we were not.

The good times pass away faster than the blink of an eye, while the things which suck seem to be interminable.

A foolish act can be a brave act. There is a thin line between an act of bravey and an act of foolishness.

We condemn and mentally slay our own selves hundreds of thousands of times over for a presumed misdemenor commited ONCE in years past.

We know how to ask: "what might have been," but can never know anything other than what happened.

We truly think of ourselves as "independent" but are constantly searching for the perfect "other." We welcome others into the field of our Aloneness, and get joined and the hip, and then say both people are indepedent.

We create every type of "labor-saving" device imaginable, and then are bored when there is nothing to do.

We all wish to live forever, but do not wish to age.

We all want the "light" but dont want to see the dirt it reveals.

We want to see reality as it really is, but don't want to see ourselves as we really are.

We want to be teachers, but refuse to be taught.

You can give a man good advice, but not the sense to take it.

We want to know what is genuine, but cannot tell a genuine fake.

We are the first victims of our own lies.

We want to know why the higher forces dont speak to us, when we are never listening.

We want to know another, when we know nothing about ourselves.

We die with regret, having never observed the magic in the foot of a fox, the eye of a swan, the skin of a plum, or the base of a eucalyptis tree.

We live but rarely the life we have been given.

We give only so that we may receive.

We want rights so that we can continue breaching the rights of others.

We want laws so we can continue breaking them.

We understand that displacing one single animal species causes ecological havoc, but open borders to every illegal immigrant.

We do little with the knowledge we spend a lifetime of effort accumulating.

We live our lives in hour/day/month/year segments which exist nowhere outside of our own minds, and time ourselves even when time does not exist.

The brain is an image within the brain which is an image.

We cut down trees and then name streets after them.

We pat our dogs on the head, groom our cats and then sit down to a dinner of steak, sausages, ham, liver, and eggs.

We cruelly mass-murder our animal-cousins; make graveyards of our stomachs and sewers out of our bloodstream, and then say we want to save mankind, defeat evil, and heal the planet.

We suffer pain, sometimes considerable pain, but feel nothing when millions die outside our personal territory.

Most trees grow due to amnesiac squirrels who bury their nuts and then forget where.

A Ribbon Worm eats itself when it cannot find food.

Man kills for pleasure.

Man kills for his god.

There is no national crime database for missing and abducted children, but there is for stolen knives and forks.

Rice paper contains no rice.

The best way to ensure never losing one's umbrella or gloves, is to never take them anywhere.

Men practice and suffer the intense ascetic rigors of yoga. Why? To end pain
Just never Forget Darth... Puff Puff PASS---> You gotta remember to PASS, or this sort of thing will happen.