Ron Paul


revolution custom paint
Donating Member
strange but on the road today i noticed these signs posted on the expressway, and i just happen to have my camera, the signs look nice too, must've been a good artist who did them.

I was really excited about Ron Paul for awhile... Then as you start to look a little deeper, and really look into some of his policy ideals and plans it starts getting spooky, then a little nutty, then you realize that although ya like the guy, he'd likely be able to get nothing done in the white house. I think he'd scare the hell out of the establishment which while it would be fun to watch, probably isn't all that constructive.
... as opposed to the other candidates/presidents that have accomplished so much? I'll vote for the first candidate to ENSURE congress can't vote themselves pay raises.

If government is FOR and BY the people, shouldn't anything the people say mean something?

I've seen those Ron Paul things here to.