A Quantum Equasion!!!

FL Knifemaker

Whenever I need a break from making knives, I just like to sit back and crunch numbers in my head. I came up with this in one of my brainstorming sessions..........

1. For those that will need one grab a calculator.

2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer?
Now THAT'S sheer boredom!

Pretty cool...yep, needed a calculator!
Whats that final number that popped up supposed to mean.... my mobile number is 9886300000 ... nothing interesting turned
cool stuff.  I wonder who sits around thinking this kind of stuff up.
I don't know but a guy (self admitted math geek) on another forum figured out how it works.  Not that I understand it any better now myself but here's how it works as he posted it:

For those of us who are math inclined, and just must know how these things work:

We'll use two variables:

X - First three digits of our phone number.
Y - Last four digits of our phone number.

Build an equation out of the 9 steps:

Step 2. X (the first three digits)
Step 3. 80 * X
Step 4. 80 * X + 1
Step 5. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 )
Step 6. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + Y
Step 7. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y
Step 8. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y - 250
Step 9. ( 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y - 250 ) / 2

So that's the equation. Now simplify.

Divide by 2 and get:
125 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + Y - 125

Eliminate the parentheses and get:
10000 * X + 125 + Y - 125

Add the constants and get:
10000 * X + Y

Sample phone number: 123-4567

X = 123
Y = 4567

Plug it in and get:

10000 * 123 + 4567 = 1234567!

Hopefully I've succeeded in sucking all the fun out of this!  (sorry, I really am, but I love this stuff) Math nerds unite!



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cool stuff.  I wonder who sits around thinking this kind of stuff up.
I don't know but a guy (self admitted math geek) on another forum figured out how it works.  Not that I understand it any better now myself but here's how it works as he posted it:

For those of us who are math inclined, and just must know how these things work:

We'll use two variables:

X - First three digits of our phone number.
Y - Last four digits of our phone number.

Build an equation out of the 9 steps:

Step 2. X (the first three digits)
Step 3. 80 * X
Step 4. 80 * X + 1
Step 5. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 )
Step 6. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + Y
Step 7. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y
Step 8. 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y - 250
Step 9. ( 250 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + 2Y - 250 ) / 2

So that's the equation. Now simplify.

Divide by 2 and get:
125 * ( 80 * X + 1 ) + Y - 125

Eliminate the parentheses and get:
10000 * X + 125 + Y - 125

Add the constants and get:
10000 * X + Y

Sample phone number: 123-4567

X = 123
Y = 4567

Plug it in and get:

10000 * 123 + 4567 = 1234567!

Hopefully I've succeeded in sucking all the fun out of this!  (sorry, I really am, but I love this stuff) Math nerds unite!


Great, now I have a migraine!
Whenever my kids ask for help with their math homework, I get a migraine!! For all the money I spend on tuition, you would think I'd remember some of it. They should provide a gurantee