politicians finest hour

add this one to failing to vote English as the official language of the USA OR to the many other things recently that seem to be of massive importance instead of taking care of real issues.

The question really starts to be when will the voting public realize its broken? :banghead:

Maybe if we get this passed and have a discussion about how we should vote to just sell a few million acres of land to the Chinese to settle our debt we can finally get folks to see that the entire process is screwed up :whistle:
And this is important why? It's not. It never will be.

"First off, the kind of pizza served in most school lunchrooms can hardly be considered a health food in any way, shape, or form. From the refined, brominated white flour-based dough to the recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) laden cheese, this processed food product is a detriment to the health of school children. Even the sauce used on most processed pizzas contains chemical additives and preservatives, as well as potential pesticide residues from conventional tomatoes".
Maybe if we get this passed and have a discussion about how we should vote to just sell a few million acres of land to the Chinese to settle our debt we can finally get folks to see that the entire process is screwed up :whistle:

I'm afraid you're so right