While it's on my mind


I want to encourage all you guys and gals to look both ways when the light changes at intersections.

Coming home a couple nights ago, I saw a couple on a Harley that got hit by an idiot in a Dodge truck that didnt feel the need to stop for his red light. They said both the rider and passenger both lost a leg.

You shouldn't have to, but take a second to make sure they are stopping, especially at rush hour. Ride safe and God bless.
Double your decision time, take a few more seconds to make that turn. I could save your life. Thanks for the heads up bro.
It was not something that you want to see, although the victims had been airlifted before I came by, the truck and bike were still there. :werd:
Thanks for the info. Really good practice to get used to doing. Do it myself. Also if I am on a multi lane road, I'll let the ones beside me take off first and then I go.
The way people are busy doing things other than driving you have to be aware around you as much as you can. Even with fair eye contact at an intersection you have to watch out before crossing paths.
"Look both ways before you cross the street". The same thing mom told you when you were 9yrs old still applies today when riding
i look left and right so much every time i get to a corner or traffic light i feel like a bobble head...its saved me a few times from drivers that run lights and stop signs...:thumbsup:
+1000. Just watched a truck try to run the yellow but turned out he was running the red. Luckly no one lauched at the green. I think we all see and know how often this hurts. A few seconds can save months of recovery.
The slower you ride, the less your chance of misfortune.

Hope they lived. Driver of that truck with deal with his pain in due time.
so sad, just out crusing there should be a law that if you hit a motorcycle and you are at fault like that one there should be a stiffer punishment.
I always assUme that "Just because you can see them,doesn't mean they see you!".
Sad to hear. I've seen too many people do that around here that's why I always look both ways before launching.
makes me wish the cops would post up in parking lights watching for people to run red lights instead of hiding over hills trying to catch people going a bit over the limit. might save more lives that way.
makes me wish the cops would post up in parking lights watching for people to run red lights instead of hiding over hills trying to catch people going a bit over the limit. might save more lives that way.

Our cops around here spend most of their time parked in a parking lot or store, chatting.
man that suckz , imagine waking up in the hospital and have a leg missing, due to some idiot..I guess I'd be time to break out the axe and find his crib...
I was sitting at a redlight for about 5 seconds, when an idiot truck driver passed me
at about 40. Luckily, police saw him.
Since we're so good at making new laws, why can't we legislate tougher laws that mandate NOT using cellphones while driving?

People gotta start paying attention. The thought of dying, because of something stupid and completely avoidable, sucks...
Spokane just put in red light cameras to catch those who blow a red light while trying to beat the yellow. They were surprised that there were as many as 9 cars going through on one red. That makes me scared to drive in Spokane let alone ride there.
I like how the general driver population gets mad and honks when your waiting a bit to slowly pull out for your turn. These people generally get the finger from me when i get straightened out, those few seconds i'm taking from your commute are to make sure i finish mine.

I've seen alot in my days but a bike put down by a car or truck still gives me the chills everytime.