Hayabusa picture game

Well its winter time. your busa sitting in front of a ski resort.... Good Luck. Sorry for all ya'll in the dirty south.

1) After 4 days, the person who made the challenge, can post their own picture and pick another challenge.

2) If a challenge is not met after 5 days, a new topic is picked by the previous challenge winner.
This thread needs a kick start so I'll post a couple of picks for this challenge - Who has some better picks of their Busa in front of an iconic motorcycle bar or restaurant hangout - let's see them!


Good to know that people are still interested in the game... :laugh:

I think this whole game should be restarted. Theres already 99 pages. How many differen things can we all come up with. Plus who wants to look back through 99 pages or more to see if something has been done before. New sticky thread with busa pic game 2 will get more attention too.