BusaDrive is down

tha gear did the best it could do...EMT told me (pretty obvious just by looking) that if he hadn't had his helmet on, we would have been literally scraping him off the highway

rescue and the ambulance got there pretty quickly...meanwhile BusaWhipped called busadrive's wife to let her know what had happened

Glad to hear he's doing okay..bike is replaceable. Once again we're all reminded how crucial our gear is. Get well fast and best wishes.
i know sometimes i take them for granted but it is always great to have dedicated trained personnel show up and take over!!

he left the road here, stayed on the bike for 42 feet, then got thrown off back onto the road about 10 feet past where you see my bike on the other side of the fire truck

somehow stayed on it as it hit this outcropping while managing to keep his leg out from in between it and the bike

however, the front wheel got caught in the ditch, twisted, and pitched him to the left back on the road and threw the bike to the right into the rock

according to the rider behind him, the bike flipped end over end back onto the road just this side of where busadrive landed and slid down the road (Highway Patrol measured it at 132 feet)

at lot to be said about being "geared" up glad no one was coming the other way (looks like a 2 lane) In our prayers here.
this was laying on the side of the road...we didn't see the other side of the bike so don't know exactly how extensive the damage is but this definitely doesn't look good

The helmet did its job. I was seeing the laminate laying in the road trying to figure out where in the heck from the bike did that come from. Then I saw the helmet and relized it was the helmet skin. Better that than busadrive's skin.
this is not how i like to see anyone's bike end it's day...please, just ride your own ride when you are riding with others...don't push beyond where you are comfortable...it is much better to take it a little bit slower and finish the day on two wheels with you and your bike intact than to have your baby carried away like this...i don't think there is a member here that will mind waiting at the next turn-off for you to catch up...if they do, you don't need to be riding with them in the first place...just my $.02

and this isn't the way any of us want to end a ride...busadrive, we are praying for you bro...please let us know anything we can do to help you get back up and running
