Recent content by shortBoarder

  1. shortBoarder

    Net Neutrality your thoughts

    Man, you're lucky. I'm in a city of 10 million people and have one single ISP to choose from...and they really suck.
  2. shortBoarder

    Net Neutrality your thoughts

    We're talking about two different things - we agree on one (data priority), and not the other (ISP availabilty + control). Customers should decide, not the government. They should keep the 'net the way it is - neutral data priority. In the long run, I don't want the media coming from...
  3. shortBoarder

    Net Neutrality your thoughts

    The idea that if you don't like it, don't pay for it works beautifully when there's competition+choice in the marketplace, and for much of the country, there isn't an honest competitive choice. I live in Los Angeles and have essentially one choice (Time Warner) for internet service that doesn't...
  4. shortBoarder

    Net Neutrality your thoughts

    It's a terrible idea, pushed by media lobbyists in the interest of ultimately controlling bandwidth and turning the internet into a virtual toll-road. Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) has a great essay regarding this. Unimpeded, we're headed toward this:
  5. shortBoarder

    SoCal riding season...

    If it's any consolation, the CHP were out in full force all weekend. :whistle:
  6. shortBoarder

    SoCal riding season... on! 70+ degrees up on Latigo Cyn. Had to stop and admire the Pacific:
  7. shortBoarder

    SoCal: Angeles Crest Re-Opening

    FYI: The ACH and the Angeles Forest Hwy are re-opening on Monday (11/30/09) after being closed to traffic for the past 3 months due to damage from the massive "Station" fire. Further closings are possible after rain due to slides, and continuing repair work...but it's a start! Linky
  8. shortBoarder

    September 11, 2001

    Every Sept. 11th I remember that morning by looking back at this photograph of rescuers recovering the body of Father Mychal Judge. From his Wikipedia entry: "Upon hearing the news that the World Trade Center had been hit by hijacked jetliners, Judge rushed to the site. He was met by the...
  9. shortBoarder

    Hope there's something left of the Angeles Crest

    no, it's from flickr; although my view is pretty similar. Last night the flames were visible from Venice Beach, which is pretty impressive/scary.
  10. shortBoarder

    Hope there's something left of the Angeles Crest

    It's now the third day of the mountains going nuclear; 2 firefighters lost, 80K+ acres burned up, road is thrashed in places. Mt. Wilson is close to going up Time lapse from Saturday: Time Lapse Test: Station Fire on Vimeo
  11. shortBoarder

    Iphone and verizon.. Is there a way?

    wait; apple and ATT have a very fragile relationship, and unless a few key things change (ATT's exclusive iphone contract is coming up for renewal) there may be Verizon-ready iphones on the horizon. It's the one thing that kept me from upgrading my 1st gen phone this time around...dont want to...
  12. shortBoarder

    DO NOT miss the GP race 2day

    6PM EDT on Speed. Cancel all family obligations, lock the pets away, and watch this. EDIT: just noticed yr in Germany; not sure about who carries the race over there
  13. shortBoarder

    DO NOT miss the GP race 2day

    without giving anything away, the gap between 1st and 2nd = .0095 INSANE riding
  14. shortBoarder

    DO NOT miss the GP race 2day

    possibly the best motogp race in years! well worth getting up at 4:50AM to see it live. Now VERY awake.