Recent content by OB_GlenTx

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    The Busa, My First Bike ?

    I'd like to add one more thing.....Nathan, being 20 years old, the insurance is going to KILL you! True, I don't know your financial picture but call up your insurance company and get a quote on the 'Busa. I don't own a 'Busa, I own a '99 TL1000R. I like most of the other members of the board...
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    Nitro News!

    Guys, I don't own a Haybusa, instead I chose a '99 TLR. Love it! I got this in an email and thought I'd share it with you. WHAT'S A HYABUSA? ONE FAST BIKE! Hyabusa is Japanese for peregrine falcon, the world's fastest bird, but it's also Suzuki's latest entry into the high-tech world of...
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    If your looking for Chris's TLR Message Board, it's link is: