Recent content by mistaforty

  1. mistaforty

    I’ll leave this here :(

    What the number DOES include though are accidents, justifiable homicides and LE shootings. its not 20k criminal acts or random shootings in the streets. Banning guns is not the answer. I grew up in DC. When we were the murder capital of the world we had the strictest gun laws in the...
  2. mistaforty

    Help a long-term member

    im in...good luck and congrats
  3. mistaforty

    Why you should join Facebook - even if you hate it.

    as in you can set your account to use the cam to recognize your face for any and all logins? or that it will match the face with the pics on the account? while that will verify you as the authentic user it still wont stop me from making an account with your name and pics. will it recognize...
  4. mistaforty

    Why you should join Facebook - even if you hate it.

    how would having your own FB stop that? it wont. some one could be using your pic and name right now on a myriad of social media and unless you google yourself constantly and police you would never know or even then be able to stop it. if you wanna be a celeb you can put "the real" in fron of...
  5. mistaforty

    Why you should join Facebook - even if you hate it.

    id like to add that its very effective comm for loved ones during emergencies. once you get net access to simply posting "im ok" during a disaster is the best way to ease fears when phones are down or lost etc. the only people that would see the message are those close to you and would be...
  6. mistaforty

    If you had to pick ONE song to be your favorite.

    if someone dangled you off of a rooftop and said pick ONE or drop, you would pick one
  7. mistaforty

    2014 Corvette or Lotus elise?

    vette all day... no question...if you wanna save some money then get a used vette lol. if i see your lotus ill turn it over in the parking space and say i told ya so
  8. mistaforty

    Motorcycle "clubs"

    Im not in a club because I do not have the club mentality....similary during the hazy stint i did in college I also never pledged to a frat nor did i have the desire to so i chalk the club thing up to 'im not that guy' now during the other hazy stint of a rap career when people were like hes...
  9. mistaforty

    speed channel

    yeah i went to watch moto gp on dvr one week and no race....the next week dvr no race did i piss the wife wait the channel is gone...yep fox sports on and i reset the series recording again. i thought it was just my local verizon line up that changed.
  10. mistaforty


    we cant keep policing the world alone....
  11. mistaforty

    The movie Biker do they do it?

    a long time ago in Maine I took a buddy's bike out for a quick jaunt down route 1. no helmet law threw on some oakley shades and rode about a mile in at maybe 70 mph the wind gets under the shades and slides my contact lens out of my eye LOL.... my biggest wtf moment....well tied...
  12. mistaforty

    One of a kind photo GREAT PICTURE (for us older riders)

    Wow have to appreciate that... Yeah that'll never happen without photoshop these days lol
  13. mistaforty

    When your not on the bike... Hobbies

    Alcohol...craft brews and whiskey/bourbon mainly but a little of everything else Tobacco this about half of em Firearms in the process of putting together a couple more rifles as well *just givin this forum runner app a go ...excuse to post some pics.
  14. mistaforty

    Strange F-150 problem

    its your try to start and nothing...then it starts like nothing was ever wrong. ive seen and had it happen especially if youre using a duplicate key. for whatever reason the computer stops recognizing the security chip and wont start. when it picks it up it starts. if it happens...