Recent content by DitchDr2

  1. D

    Hardest Lesson I have ever learned

    On April 18 of 2013 I was taught the hardest lesson I have ever learned. It was something so simple to do, and only takes seconds, yet I felt I did not "need" to do it. You with think with someone who has 20 years in the fire service, 19 of them as a emt as well I would know better. But did...
  2. D

    So who missed me?

    That's exactly how I feel lol
  3. D

    So who missed me?

    I was a pretty active member for a while, but had a few issues come into my life I had to sort out. Life is much better now, the ex and I split, No hatred there, just was not meant to be. It was rough on my kid but he adjusted pretty well to not having mommy and daddy in the same house. Have...
  4. D

    So who missed me?

    So who all here missed me? Ok who noticed I was gone? Ok, who cares? Really none of you? Well I care about you, ALL of you, Well ok most!! So whats new in the Busa world? Seems a lot has gone on since I kind of fell off the earth.