Recent content by busacurryboy

  1. B

    Gas Mileage

    45-48 milesper gallon using 87 i travel daily to work using the highway a total trip of 140 miles a day
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    hayabusa's in india...

    hello shenoy iam also from india but basically now living here for the past few years in mass
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    MASS. Riders any????

    well iam from sturbridge.. and i do love going on long rides. In fact teamed with a few guys i met in craigslist and went to lake george and did some long runs on route 28n, lots of twisties upto plathsburg and then down 87 .(last week) went to laconia and just came back now. iam usually off on...
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    Turbo Selection

    hello shenoy, iam basically from chennai,but now i live in mass i used to drive a yezdi and bullet 500 and my regular mechanic used to retrofit and work with turbos u want me to find more details and that way i can pass the number and you can talk directly with him. in the meanwhile let...
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    Busa in your username?

    +1 thats me busacurryboy from massachussets
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    Mystery Bags

    check this link out
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    one more question

    well i have used a combi of genmar 3/4 and also a helibar, and that way i didnt have to install new lines, wires, etc.yes i did have to do a slight mod on the double bubble screen, i had to dremmel a small curve and everything is smooth and my ride is very comfortable
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    awaken from slumber and the lion roared.

    well need i say, hands had been itching to get my baby on the road,and at last did manage to take it out to work after a hiatus of nearly 5 months.well enjoyed every minute of it and now that i have to commute 75 miles to work each way all the more fun.the drive and feeling was. euphoric and can...
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    Anyone with alarm w/ pager system

    anyday i will vouch for scorpio, gave me my mental peace especially after losing my ninja 12 r and my ist hayabusa . but i still take as much precuations as possible. chains locks, alarms, motion sensors in the garage, anything and everything which can defer the determined scumbag.
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    center stand

    i didnt get it pre installed. i orderedit from suzuki, it was 99$ and installation was for another 75 dollars. It is great and has been working fine much more stable than side stands,yes one sacrifice is that you would have to remove the belly pan, but thats ok. Help me clean and oil my chain...
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    Let's dicuss alarms...

    scorpio on mine and worth every cent. cant wait to haul; my *** out and start riding weather in new england does S**k. hoping this week but please remember this system does drain out the battery in 7 days if the bike is not started once at least.when it is isle keep it hooked to a battery...
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    happy new year

    wishing everyone on this board, and .org and their family, near and dear ones, a very happy and prosperous new year for this one and many many more to come. regards curryboy
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    hey oracle, looks like u missed some digits, mind if i chip in?><?><":{}+_)(*&^%$#@! : : 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348 25342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105...
  14. B

    Handlebar risers

    i have both heli and .75 genmar risers. use the sport touring zg screen, had to carve out on the edges.,, they are great.onething to be noted is these do pinch in your purse/card. if you want to go cheaper.. go for reaper risers..
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    Insurance rates

    2004 busa pay 1800/annum no deductible 1 ticket speeding on a car 2 claims ( both for total loss-- motorcycles was stolen) total coverage