what do you think (Radiator)


I am looking to clean this up and put it back on the bike , whats the best way to clean it without causing any more damage or does it look like it should be replaced?
When last used there were no leaks.


that poor thing looks pretty hammered.
you could try and straighten the fins back out and clean it up.
you definitely need to make a guard for the thing. I cut up some expanded off a screen door and ziptied it on.

kinda up to you, but I bet most will say replace it.
That would be a lot of work to straighten all those fins. You're not going to get much cooling with a radiator in that condition.
Guess it depends on what you have more of - time or money.
If time straighten the fins out and clean out the junk in there.
If more money buy and new one and be done with it.

If 50/50 flip a coin and..........:laugh:
Some of the bikes i work with 60000 plus mils all look like that also.
As long as it holds water, run it!
Timmyduct here on the board radiator is worse than that and still hold water.
Buy a used rad off a seller on eBay with a good feedback rating. You can grab them fairly cheap and probably less than the price of a rad guard