Trying to powdercoat rearsets...


Hi, new here :cheerleader:

I powder coated the passenger pegs and kickstand but cannot figure out how to do the rear sets. I have them off the bike, how do these 3 rubber grommets come out of the set?


Do not remove them and set the oven to 350.

I did this to mine 2 months ago and they were fine. I was kind of cautious about it as well, but after reading many, many posts I trusted the free advice on the internet.
The 3 rubber washers on back of each you must take off easily so they dont tear but as others say the bushings inside will be fine.

Because the powder coater I used was a butthead mine wound up getting redone and baked 3 times and they are fine...

ps....:welcome: to the org..:beerchug:

Blanca's new shoes 11.09 014.jpg
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I took mine out when I had mine done. Just work around them with a screwdriver and don't tear them. They're pretty tough though.
What about the foot pegs? Just tape off that rubber as well and its good?

No, take out two phillips head screws on bottom of footpeg under the weight and the rubber will come off.
This way you can have foot peg and weight done separately and put them back together.
It will come out better as both pieces will be done all the way around rather than having a ridge where the two meet.
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You need to tape off the shifter shaft where shifter slides over this.
Your Powder coater should do this as regular tape will melt and they have specila tape for doing it.

Who are you using ?
Is it someone familar with bike parts as far as what not to do and what to do ?
If not just box it all up and send it to Travis at TM Powdercoating.
I beleive hes a sponsor here ?
No probs if you use him, none zero.

If you do like I did and take it to a fence company that does good work but is not familiar with moto parts you will be sanding and scraping when it comes time to put it all back together.
Heres before and after pics of mine after I finally got them back in an acceptable condition.
Take it as far apart as possible so each piece gets a nice even coat all the way around.
Make note of holes where screws go thru like where bushings are as well as both shafts , one for brake pedal and the other one for the shifter and tell your powder coater.
The shifter I painted myself with Rustoleum because folks i used did not want to bake it.
In link on shifter as well as link that goes on engine is a little plastic rotator they were worried would melt but Travis does these all the time and nobody here has complained about his PC at all.

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Hayabusa 003.jpg

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Powder coated parts 005.1.JPG

Powder coated parts 006.1.JPG
Thanks for the info :) I work for a company that has a powder paint line, so I plug / tape off everything and let the paint line do the rest. I powdercoat tons of stuff, learned about not plugging holes the hard way a few years ago :) I usually sand blast my parts before hand, but these are going in last minute. Think if I hit everything with a scotch bright the powder will stick okay?
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Thanks for the info :) I work for a company that has a powder paint line, so I plug / tape off everything and let the paint line do the rest. I powdercoat tons of stuff, learned about not plugging holes the hard way a few years ago :) I usually sand blast my parts before hand, but these are going in last minute. Think if I hit everything with a scotch bright the powder will stick okay?[/quote]


This is your baby...your bike....what your gonna show off.
Take the time , dont hurry and sand blast them or prep them properly.
If you dont you may not get a clean even coat and have to do it over.
We have time to wait for pics of a perfect job...:laugh:
every part i do gets media blasted before coating. the final finish is only going to be as good as whats underneath it.
I will eventually, I am riding to Chicago tomorrow and need them back on the bike. Shifting might be awkward without them :laugh: I will be going with aftermarket rear sets eventually, so we will see how it goes.

The rear pegs and kickstand turned out great, roaring toys anodize job was pretty fugly so fixed that right up.
Cooked them at 375 for 30 minutes and they turned out MINT, will get photos after I get it washed this weekend :)