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Anyone else agree that Iran's Ahmadinejad needs to go!?

As I asked before do you speak Farsee or are you getting the translation from the media ?

I don't give two u know what's if Iran nukes Israel because it won't affect my life in sunny florida one bit.
Don't care if Korea nukes japan won't affect me in the least .

Theoretically speaking of course .
The fallout and all that is a sep disc.

Just would like to know how what when and where a 200 yr old country becomes so much holier than a 5000 yr old country .

Have we not vowed to wipe our enemies off the face of the map ?
Oh but I see when a country 'not on our side' says same OMG they are evil incarnate !

Let Israel and Japan defend themselves .

He's developing nukes . Yeah so what the only country on earth that has ever used them in aggression is us but yet again our holier than they attitude tries to convince all they have no right to same tech ?

Just tired of even worrying about outside when we ourselves are so close to self implosion .

A madman had conquered a continent and murdered thousands already , then we were directly attacked and forced to go to war .

Your WWII. comparison is nowhere near same .
Geesh now your comparing him to Hitler !

Numerous madman and dictators in the world but since this one is anti Semitic he's the worst .

Let me see when the next time the Liberia gets attacked by it's neighbors in a diamond war I'm sure you will be first to sign up cuz they are our ally.

You don't need to speak Farsi to know a few things you seem to be unaware of....

-Iran participates in killing our troops with explosive materials and insurgency expertise in Iraq. Forget the obvious issue you have with Jewish people and stew on that fact for a minute.
-A nuke anywhere in the world will disprupt your blissful ignorance in sunny Florida...bet on it. As I sit here and entertain your idiotic response I have to ask myself why I am replying to it....can you seriously be that stupid? You're in the same internet category as NIGHTFLIGHT....
I'm a little flabergasterd....all I can say is WOW...Blanca...just WOW ???
This is not support for him but I am curious how many folks here speak Farsee and actually understand what he says or are you getting translation from CNN ?

Is he not the leader of a sovereign nation and has the same right to FREE SPEECH we do ?
Ok so maybe he's a nut and you don't agree with but same opinion can be applied all over the globe !

Only two things make him stand out here .
His opinions of Israel and the fact he will not bow to the USA !

I just don't get why we spend our time trying to control others ?
We need to be careful because one day someone bigger than us with more righteous beliefs than ours may come here and try to control us and force us to change our wicked ways .


Again no support for him just tired of us caring about too many things outside of our borders.

Ok, Blanca, who took over your computer and typed this? I have to agree 100% with you. :beerchug:

Edit: It seems as though the people of Iran are getting tired of this leaders ways. Im interested to see what the Iranian people will do.
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Flabergasterd ?


Yes Wow !

Have zero probs with Jews .
I'm surrounded by them .
I work with them and was thankful to them for supporting me for yrs by buying all those Lincolns . Been to Israel myself and have several cousins in Damascus married to Israeli citizens .
so please relax on that.

Have probs with us singling out one country and concentrating on them is all .
We have given Israel enough to be able to take care of themselves .
They have developed enough to take care of themselves.

Iran talks the talk and Israel sits quietly and waits.
They will know full well when to take care of themelves.

It just we don't know when to take care of ourselves.

Again ZERO support for him and the like but why do we blame the Iranians for supporting their Arab brother against an invading Army ?

Like Canada would not be helping us if the shoe was on the other foot.

He's a nut !
I give him zero credit.

He will not ever develop a single nuclear weapon or even get close to it because as soon as he does Israel will take care of themselves .
They have in the past acted out of preventative defense and will do it again I'm sure.

And please don't consider my disagreement with you as Anti American.

If they posted half the things Chavez says he would sound same .
Him and 100 other nuts out there.

Our fears and worries abroad are going to financially break this country .
My country tis of thee...sweet land of Liberty....of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died land of the Pilgrims pride.....of thee I sing.

Govt got everyone all wound up over a madman in the desert so in a yr or two we will be all for dropping bombs on Tehran and in the end ZERO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION WILL BE FOUND....
Sound familiar ?
GoAwol I love you and will be right beside you in defense of America first all the way but in typical fashion when folks don't agree they turn to insults.
No I'm not stupid and would like to compare wordly and scholarly exp with you anytime !

Oh no wait a min now I am acting like Nightflight !?

Peace brother don't hate me cuz we disagree.

Iran is a speck .
A zit on our u know what .
Time comes Israel will pop it for us , bet on it !

The Mossad is the BEST INTEL agency in the world believe me.
I have two friends who are ex now consulting for me in Afg.
Mossad knows more than us 1000% when it comes to the Mid East.

We can all relax and enjoy life.
Let them take care of biz their good at it !
The religious leaders are really in charge of Iran not "Shorty."
Why should Ahmadinejad go. He's such a handsome and charismatic leader. Look, he just made the cover of a popular international magazine!

Iran gets wild.jpg
Ajay that is funny...

Hard to tell where his hair ends and the chimps begins....?
As I asked before do you speak Farsee or are you getting the translation from the media ?

I don't give two u know what's if Iran nukes Israel because it won't affect my life in sunny florida one bit.
Don't care if Korea nukes japan won't affect me in the least .

Theoretically speaking of course .
The fallout and all that is a sep disc.

Just would like to know how what when and where a 200 yr old country becomes so much holier than a 5000 yr old country .

Have we not vowed to wipe our enemies off the face of the map ?
Oh but I see when a country 'not on our side' says same OMG they are evil incarnate !

Let Israel and Japan defend themselves .

He's developing nukes . Yeah so what the only country on earth that has ever used them in aggression is us but yet again our holier than they attitude tries to convince all they have no right to same tech ?

Just tired of even worrying about outside when we ourselves are so close to self implosion .

A madman had conquered a continent and murdered thousands already , then we were directly attacked and forced to go to war .

Your WWII. comparison is nowhere near same .
Geesh now your comparing him to Hitler !

Numerous madman and dictators in the world but since this one is anti Semitic he's the worst .

Let me see when the next time the Liberia gets attacked by it's neighbors in a diamond war I'm sure you will be first to sign up cuz they are our ally.

Definitely another one of those "wow' moments. Just wow! This sounds like something straight from Obama's anti-America apologetic tour. Come on Blanca. ???
Why should Ahmadinejad go. He's such a handsome and charismatic leader. Look, he just made the cover of a popular international magazine!

That's funny, all he needs is his Members Only jacket and it would be complete. I wonder if he is the last member? :rofl:
J'man I just dont get Americas addiction to Iran ?

Really dont..

Hes' the owens of the world and you guys are giving hime too much credit.

A possible threat only to his neighbors MAYBE...if Israel falls asleep at the wheel.
Which they wont.

Zero threat to me , you and the continental U S of A.. ZERO !
Hey now those members only jackets are very popular with the four footer retirees here in SoFla....careful....:poke:
Has anyone in this thread actually been to the middle east in a non military fashion ?

Walked around the streets of Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Cairo, Tripoli, Khartoum......anyone.....

Talked to average folks there over lunch in the street.
An American to a.....


I have.

They arent all bad nor do all of 'them' hate all of us...
J'man I just dont get Americas addiction to Iran ?

Really dont..

Hes' the owens of the world and you guys are giving hime too much credit.

A possible threat only to his neighbors MAYBE...if Israel falls asleep at the wheel.
Which they wont.

Zero threat to me , you and the continental U S of A.. ZERO !

I have to disagree. He's not only a threat to his neighbors he's a threat to the entire world. All it takes it for one little skirmish to turn the whole middle east into a powder keg, which would impact us. I'm sure you realize how vital the strait of hormuz is to us. Iran already possess enough weapons to wreak major havoc on the western world by stopping the flow of oil through the strait if a battle breaks out. Our world markets would go nuts which would also directly impact our economy.

It's not as simple as turning your head and saying he can have no impact to us. That's simply not true. I also know "all" of them do not hate us. In fact many of the youth in places like Iran actually like the West. The problem is you have the religious leaders and nuts like Ahmadinejad that have enough authority to cause major problems for the rest of the world.
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Hey now those members only jackets are very popular with the four footer retirees here in SoFla....careful....:poke:

Ooops, sorry forgot you were in FL. There are just a couple more members in FL. :laugh:
J'man I love you but now you sound like Colin Powel Before the UN preceding the current war in Iraq.

Hes nothing..

We have 3 aircraft carriers in the Straight of Hormuz.
Those alone in like 6hrs would cripple Iran and we would have air superiority.

Iran posseses a BUTTLOAD of Soviet era technology ALL of which we defeated with countermeasures yrs ago..
Iran posseses not a single 1st world rocket that could actually threaten one of our attack fighters.

The middle east has already been touched off like a powder keg a few times.
One of which the Israelis call the 7 day war.....:rofl:

Yeah thats how long it took for them to put the Bagels down and say WTF.....to arms...to arms...Got going and then in a week it was over.

Whipped the Syrians, the Egyptians and the Jordanians got home and the bagels they put down were still fresh....:rofl:

North Korea is a much more credible threat.
They are thru covert former Soviet networks the ones supplying Iran with the technology to do what they are doing.
If we address the NK issue Iran will be literally left in the dark.
J'man I love you but now you sound like Colin Powel Before the UN preceding the current war in Iraq.

Hes nothing..

We have 3 aircraft carriers in the Straight of Hormuz.
Those alone in like 6hrs would cripple Iran and we would have air superiority.

Iran posseses a BUTTLOAD of Soviet era technology ALL of which we defeated with countermeasures yrs ago..
Iran posseses not a single 1st world rocket that could actually threaten one of our attack fighters.

The middle east has already been touched off like a powder keg a few times.
One of which the Israelis call the 7 day war.....:rofl:

Yeah thats how long it took for them to put the Bagels down and say WTF.....to arms...to arms...Got going and then in a week it was over.

Whipped the Syrians, the Egyptians and the Jordanians got home and the bagels they put down were still fresh....:rofl:

North Korea is a much more credible threat.
They are thru covert former Soviet networks the ones supplying Iran with the technology to do what they are doing.
If we address the NK issue Iran will be literally left in the dark.

I wish had the same level of confidence as you, but I don't. I think he has more up his sleeve than we know, which is one of the reasons I think we haven't dropped a bomb on him yet.

I'm sorry, but the cases you sight above more support my point. Think about it.... Israel has been going in and taking these other countries to task. The U.S. goes in and basically brings down the entire military in Iraq in no time. Why would anyone, especially the prez of a neighboring country go "hey how about me next"? Basically trying to provoke us to attack them. He knows we don't bluff so why threaten us and Israel unless you had something that you thought would rock their world?

I don't trust them for a minute and as secret as they've been there is no telling what they've bought or made for weapons.

As far as Colin, I'll take that as a compliment. He's a good man. :thumbsup:
J'man I just dont get Americas addiction to Iran ?

Really dont..

Hes' the owens of the world and you guys are giving hime too much credit.

A possible threat only to his neighbors MAYBE...if Israel falls asleep at the wheel.
Which they wont.

Zero threat to me , you and the continental U S of A.. ZERO !

No one gave the Christmas terrorist any credit either....even the State Dept after the guy's own father called to tell them his son was up to no good.

No one gave any of the 9-11 terrorists any credit, they attended flight training right here in the US.....

You give a terrorist state no credit as a threat and the next thing you know you're burying Americans. The next big terrorist threat on American soil has a high probability of being of a nuclear nature. Not widespread mind you, but once they have weapons grade plut. available they're just a step away from smuggling in a briefcase and crippling a compacted city such as NY, LA, Chicago, etc. Don't ever forget what happened almost 9 yrs ago and think for one second that it won't happen again. The intelligence community can't stop every terrorist threat on our soil.
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