Anyone ever take Soma


Donating Member
My doc. just prescribed this for my back pain. I have mild scolyosis (spelling?) and I'm use to off and on back pain but this time it's lasting more than a couple days in the same spot and my usual "adjusting" techniques are not doing anything. This is the first time I've called in for some type of pain relief and SOMA is what he called in. Some type of muscle relaxer. Wondering if it's any good.
Soma (carisoprodol) and I are old friends :) I took it for back muscle issues and it worked pretty well.. (Almost always made me sleepy however)
I took it for more than ten years. It's a general relaxant for the musculoskeletal system. There are other muscle relaxants, some can work on specific kinds of tissue, like say veins, or heart muscle. I've been to about 30 doctors over the years for back pain. Feel free to pm me if you have other questions.

Now, about soma. It is generally not recommended to be used for periods longer than something like three or four weeks, because many people develop a tolerance to it quickly, and apparently a lot of people like to abuse it. I, on the other hand, after taking it for more than 10 years, never really developed a tolerance to it.

Everyone reacts to medication differently, but I have found that it is excellent to treat acute muscle strain, in conjunction with anti-inflammatories, heat and/or cold packs - whatever relieves the pain at the time, 10 minutes per hour, and gentle flexion of the joints to maintain mobility and facilitate circulation. Bath salts with magnesium chloride and lithium chloride (like brand name Batherapy) can work amazingly well. Heck, even table salt, or epson salts are helpful, in a warm bath, to relieve pain.

I have also an apprenticeship in herbal medicine, and have also used the herb valerian root, as a muscle relaxant, sedative, and sleep aid. Frankly, the valerian root put me down for the count. I also have a few other herbal tricks, but I won't elaborate unless asked.
No, it's not medical mj.

My advice, pay close attention to how it affects your motor skills. I took it at night, and when I first started taking it, it definitely affected my motor skills all the the next day.

SOMA alone is not enough to break the cycle of inflammation and muscle spasm. I like to get ultra-sound for a new and acute injury, plus I up my intake of Vit A, C, E high quality protein, like red meat and anti-oxidants after a soft tissue injury. And don't forget to drink enough water! Bodily systems simply do not function efficiently without enough water.

When the initial swelling from capillary bleeding stops, moist heat is excellent, because it reduces pain, increases circulation to assist the healing process and get of tissue damaging histamines, and it also increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which tissues need for the rebuilding process.

P.S. massage can be good, too, once the swelling has stopped - if you like it. Me - I really dig being rolfed - it hurts so good! LOL Just got to be careful that whatever tissue is damaged is not damaged further.

Soma Coma is the nick name its good for minor back pain well atleast it was for me i took that and a perk and walla helped easy my pain just stay away from :drink:
Isn't that the area known as South Of MArket?

Sorry, brother...didn't mean to make light...sounds like you've got some experienced hands helping you out.

Good luck!
I have never taken Soma, but many other "pain management" drugs for rheumatology issues and back (disc) mess secondary to the rheumatology crap. A lot of fellow patients were on Soma and it was always used with a narcotic pain reliever. The people I knew on it said it worked for them (the combo), but is easily addicting. Heating pads and baths have been my friend!
Isn't the drug the Alphas took in Brave New World :whistle:

BNW: Soma:

"All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects."

"..there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon..."

"you do look glum! What you need is a gramme of soma."
"the warm, the richly coloured, the infinitely friendly world of soma-holiday. How kind, how good-looking, how delightfully amusing every one was! "

I've never used it, but I just love that it's named for the government sanctioned recreational drug in A Brave New World. Either accidentally or intentionally, it's pretty funny.
I lived on soma and lortab for about a's pretty good stuff:thumbsup:

I love me some Lortab!!! It's the wonder drug for the back aches, but it is highly addictive...yes, I'd have a problem if I had it LOL Damn docs are so stingy and I haven't taken to writing my own prescriptions just yet LOL

I never had much luck with a muscle relaxer alone...I always had to have both a muscle relaxer and a pain med to get relief...always made me sleepy too...
have you ever tried therapeutic massage therapy? I hear massage works better than chiropractor adjustments.... I don't know how it applies to scoliosis though :sulk:
I took it for more than ten years. It's a general relaxant for the musculoskeletal system. There are other muscle relaxants, some can work on specific kinds of tissue, like say veins, or heart muscle. I've been to about 30 doctors over the years for back pain. Feel free to pm me if you have other questions.

Now, about soma. It is generally not recommended to be used for periods longer than something like three or four weeks, because many people develop a tolerance to it quickly, and apparently a lot of people like to abuse it. I, on the other hand, after taking it for more than 10 years, never really developed a tolerance to it.

Everyone reacts to medication differently, but I have found that it is excellent to treat acute muscle strain, in conjunction with anti-inflammatories, heat and/or cold packs - whatever relieves the pain at the time, 10 minutes per hour, and gentle flexion of the joints to maintain mobility and facilitate circulation. Bath salts with magnesium chloride and lithium chloride (like brand name Batherapy) can work amazingly well. Heck, even table salt, or epson salts are helpful, in a warm bath, to relieve pain.

I have also an apprenticeship in herbal medicine, and have also used the herb valerian root, as a muscle relaxant, sedative, and sleep aid. Frankly, the valerian root put me down for the count. I also have a few other herbal tricks, but I won't elaborate unless asked.
No, it's not medical mj.

My advice, pay close attention to how it affects your motor skills. I took it at night, and when I first started taking it, it definitely affected my motor skills all the the next day.

SOMA alone is not enough to break the cycle of inflammation and muscle spasm. I like to get ultra-sound for a new and acute injury, plus I up my intake of Vit A, C, E high quality protein, like red meat and anti-oxidants after a soft tissue injury. And don't forget to drink enough water! Bodily systems simply do not function efficiently without enough water.

When the initial swelling from capillary bleeding stops, moist heat is excellent, because it reduces pain, increases circulation to assist the healing process and get of tissue damaging histamines, and it also increases the level of oxygen in the blood, which tissues need for the rebuilding process.

P.S. massage can be good, too, once the swelling has stopped - if you like it. Me - I really dig being rolfed - it hurts so good! LOL Just got to be careful that whatever tissue is damaged is not damaged further.


Thank you very much for your in depth response. I will try your sug. and if I have any more questions I'll take you up on your PM offer:thumbsup:
wow i cant beleive so many know about it. i aint never heard of it. i guess thats no surprise.