Happy B-Day To TREE, Happy B-Day To TREE


Re-Recycled, Busa-Less...
Donating Member
Happy Birthday There Tough Guy...

Keep on Keeping on...

Thanks all! Not a bad day in all. A friend of mine and his wife stopped by this morning and took me out to breakfast. After this we did a little window shopping for bikes. (He is in need of a new one. He totaled his on our Hannibal ride 3 weeks ago) While looking at bikes, I got a phone call about a possible job. This is a place I have worked before, and have an excellent repore with them. They call on me from time to time when they need help. This time they aren't all ready 2 weeks behind. I smell a new truck, and paid off bills in the next 6 months. :thumbsup: After returning home and doing some cleaning, I put dinner in the oven. Lasagna Mmmmmmmmm. My wife came home from work and finished dinner. Her family comes over, eats, gives me gifts, and we eat ice cream cake. (wife made it) I get the ritual phone call from my parents saying H.B.D., everyone elese goes home, and all is well.

All in all a prety damn good day.

Thanks for the "support", :bounce:

I got ya a stripper fer ya b-day! A little late, I guess, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?  :laugh: