I cant believe noone is buying a Busa


I really need to sell my Busa. I will even help with the delivery or whatever is needed. Thanks. The post is below somewhere on the board. Should still be on the first page.
Sorry Man, Wife would disown me if I brought home a second one.
Great deal.. I wish the time was right - I'd drive up there right away. I just can't afford insurance on it till I'm 25 (6 weeks from now).. not to mention I'd have to go with 60 month financing for a year.. when I'd have the cash (and career) to buy it off.
Sorry dude, live in Cali, and do not think I can get it registered, anyway I just bought one.

Have the guy with the VTX trade you and then he can sell yours for himself.

Just a thought.

Ride safe