Motor cyclist mag


There is an article on the ZX-14.  Its a good read.  I don't want to give it away for you who are still awaiting your subscription delivery, but here is a taste.  This is the last line of the article.
"And what of the Hayabusa?  It'll take some serious testing on our home court to settle that score. But right now, we're thinking Suzuki's meanest is starting to taste a little like chicken." (Motor Cyclist, May 2006 "King of Kwik")

Not that this waivers my love for the bus but I did find it intriguing.

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There is an article on the ZX-14.  Its a good read.  I don't want to give it away for you who are still awaiting your subscription delivery, but here is a taste.  This is the last line of the article.
    "And what of the Hayabusa?  It'll take some serious testing on our home court to settle that score. But right now, we're thinking Suzuki's meanest is starting to takst a little like chicken." (Motor Cyclist, May 2006 "King of Kwik")

Not that this waivers my love for the bus but I did find it intriguing.
+1 Great read.
No doubt that the stock ZX-14 is faster. It only took Kaw 7 years to get a few 1/10s of a second faster. You'll never fully utilize that on the street anyway. Busa has everything you need and more for street riding.

Besides in the next few months we'll see what Suzuki has in store for 07'. Everyone has stated that the reason no changes were made for 06' was because they were focussing on the 07'.
Yep , read the chicken article last weekend .
sorry Wiseguy, didnt notice you had already posted this. now, off to work to read the article.
See ya guys at the Bash.
Read the artical also and my heart sank. I love my Busa and do think the Kawi is a bit on the ugly side but one of the reasons we (at least I) bought the Busa is that it WAS the fastest production bike on the market but alas that is no more. Looks like its time for some serious upgrades.
Yawn........pass the popcorn  

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