rear brake master cylinder leak


greetings all, I have a 2000 model, and have a question about the rear master cylinder. I am getting a leak from where the little plastic hose fitting (held in by one screw) slides into the aluminum housing. I have replaced the o-ring once already and the problem just came back after a few months. anyone else have this issue and how to stop it? doesnt seem that the fitting is held in very much with that one screw....let me know! and also I might be looking for a nice set of used slipons, will consider any brand.

thanks for any help.
dont know about the master cylinder but you can get a used full system for about 3-500 bucks
thats kind of a strange one. There is only one screw holding that elbow in place because theoretically there's very little pressure there. I'm wondering if perhaps the seals within' the master itself are on the way out, and pressure from there is coming out passed the o ring in question. In theory that o ring just seals the elbow which has brake fluid flowing by into the master. But the only pressure at that point is gravity. The reservoir above feeds the master below by way of gravity. Unless you got a bad pour and that portion of the master sealing surface is not flat. I'd be re-building the whole thing, or buying a new... who needs brake fluid under yer rear tire.

hav a good 1...RSD